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Baggage handling system for the perfect operation at your airport

A well-designed, high-speed baggage handling system (BHS) is the backbone of any airport. We at BEUMER want to help you create the perfect baggage handling system in your airport.

individual solutions for your baggage handling system

Every airport’s baggage handling system should be perfectly adapted to its individual requirements. Our customized end-to-end solutions meet the criteria of IATA Resolution 753 and integrate all technologies required for the highest possible efficiency. We offer the following pieces for the optimal, tailor-made baggage handling system at your airport:

Check-in and reclaim solutions for your baggage handling system

From check-in to reclaim: BEUMER technology ensures that everything runs as smoothly as possible before and after the flight.

The modular CrisClaim® baggage carousels offer countless customization possibilities and absolute reliability for your baggage handling system – even under the extreme demands of high passenger density. Thanks to the CrisBag® Self-Bag Drop, efficiency in the check-in area is high, operating costs go down, and airport staff can better focus on their interactions with passengers. Our modular CrisCheck® check-in conveyors can easily be expanded or reconfigured to meet the specific needs of any baggage handling system and airport logistics around the world.

Independent carrier systems (ICS) for your baggage handling system

The main element of airport BHS luggage handling is the ICS. We offer the following products for an intelligent baggage handling system in your airport:

The precise and reliable independent carrier system autover® can be configured in the smallest possible floor space while ensuring fast and careful transport of every luggage item. The CrisBag® tote-based independent carrier system is a crucial element of intelligent baggage handling technology. It provides 100% tracking and traceability of every luggage item.

Transport, sortation, and storage for any airport baggage handling system

The fast and precise transfer of luggage between airport terminals is a unique challenge for every airport baggage handling system. We offer the following products for this purpose:

The rack-based storage solution CrisStore® with an early baggage storage system (EBS) improves the accuracy and security of any airport’s baggage handling system. The tilt tray sorter is a fast baggage sortation solution that can handle baggage of different shapes and sizes. The CrisBelt® baggage handling system combines cost-effectiveness with reliable operation, easy maintenance, and low energy consumption.

Loading and unloading solutions for your baggage handling system

Our automated and semi-automated baggage handling technology solutions optimize the loading and unloading procedures in the baggage handling hall. Here’s what we offer:

Luggage loaders enable the safe and efficient loading and unloading of bags into unit load devices (ULD) and other containers. They are good for the staff and good for efficiency in the BHS. Baggage unloaders are simple devices for an easy and ergonomic transfer of arrival luggage from a ULD container to a conveyor line in the airport. Baggage manipulators are highly efficient semi-automatic loaders for fast loading luggage into ULDs with high efficiency and improved ergonomics.

The automated container handling system transports ULDs between destinations within the airport. The position and progress of each ULD carrier are tracked in real time, making your baggage handling system much more transparent. The automated container unloader is an automatic instrument that unloads luggage from ULDs with minimal operator intervention.

Software and controls for your baggage handling system

Our IT solutions oversee the entire airport baggage handling system from installation to optimization and planning.

Our airport software suite ensures that every piece of luggage is delivered right with absolute control and maximum traceability. Data analysis for BHS: Airport operations generate a significant amount of data. BEUMER Group has established a data warehouse to assist you with your data analysis.


The highly specialized and passenger-oriented Singapore-Changi Airport is considered one of the most advanced globally.

With almost 15 million passengers per year, Helsinki Airport is the leading long-haul airport in Northern Europe.

Düsseldorf Airport: Germany’s third-largest airport has integrated CrisBag® as an important component of its baggage handling system in Terminals B and C.

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Johan Rajczyk

Global Sales Manager

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