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HLC Hardware & OS Upgrade

The High-Level-Control (HLC) software is at the core of your BEUMER Group solution. Whether it is a BEUMER Group Sorter, a Crisbag system or a conveyor system, business operation is dependent on the HLC software to control and implement your business logic.

Modernizations is a dedicated business area within BEUMER Group, ensuring that your system is enhanced with the latest technologies and upgraded to meet your current and future needs.

BEUMER Group HLC software is running on an enterprise grade hardware platform designed to provide a redundant, highly reliable, and secure execution environment for your mission critical HLC software. Though reliability and high availability are at the centre of the hardware design, even the best hardware deteriorates with time.

Hardware stability and reliability

Most servers and other equipment are designed with around 5 years lifespan in mind. While some equipment may run flawlessly for longer than 5 years, inevitable wear and tear make the hardware less efficient, costlier to run and introduce an increasing risk of failure. A hardware breakdown, at the least convenient and expected time, may cause disruption to your operations with possibly significant loss of revenue and negative impact to your customer satisfaction.

The risk for hardware failure is not the only reason why BEUMER Group recommends upgrading the hardware platform every 5-6 years.

Hardware Support

Hardware support by the hardware vendors is another good reason for planning and implementing scheduled upgrade in good time. Most hardware vendors normally announce End of Sale (EOS) of a product around 5 years after introducing it to the market and End Of Life Support (ELOS) will normally follow 5 years after EOS. Following EOLS extending support contracts become very expensive if at all possible and spare parts availability is also problematic and expensive. Hardware failure after the EOLS could leave you with little options and while redundancy may keep the operation going, restoring redundancy may take time due to spare parts being scarce.

Operating System Support

Operating system support is a third factor to consider.  Operating System support in the form of service packs is essential in order to address bugs and especially security vulnerabilities in the operating system. Addressing security issues is becoming critical with the increase of cyber-attacks in recent years.

Mainstream support for the Operating Systems is normally provided for 5 years followed by Extended Support period during which only security vulnerabilities will be addressed.

Once the operating system reached the end of the extended support period it is no longer possible to address security vulnerabilities.  BEUMER Group strongly recommends upgrading the HLC software to a supported operating system good time before the end of the extended support period. An operating System upgrade may force also upgrading the hardware as the new operating system is normally not certified with older hardware models.


BEUMER Group recommends upgrading the HLC Hardware, Operating system and all main third-party software packages every 5-6 years.

The upgrade will normally include delivery of a full hardware stack installed in a rack with the latest available Microsoft Windows Server Operating System and third-party software which normally includes VMware (when applicable), MS-SQL Database, Symantec End Point Protection and VEEAM Backup and Replication.

The specific project HLC software will be then migrated to the new Hardware and Operating System and database and tested in BEUMER Group labs using simulation tools.

The new hardware with the pre-installed tested software will be then delivered to the site and commissioning is normally done overnight with minimal interruption to normal operations

  • Latest hardware pre-assembled and tested
  • Latest available operating system
  • Lates available database and 3rd party software
  • Fully tested application
  • Overnight commissioning

Project execution

Our dedicated project managers in the field of modernizations have knowledge and experience in working with operational systems. Working with your operational staff, we ensure that the upgrade is implemented without disturbing your daily production. We achieve this through meticulous planning, risk management, thorough testing, and close co-operation with all parties. This means we will hand your upgraded system back to you for immediate start and ready for the future.

Project execution is always performed in accordance with BEUMER Group’s high standards for project management. We rely on the well-known Stage Gate® Model for project planning and execution, and we utilize both on- and off-site coordination. Risk management is one of our top priorities as we manage production and suppliers and coordinate the installation and commissioning phases. Finally, we perform acceptance testing based on your requirements, and continue to update documentation throughout the lifecycle of your equipment.