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Handler Tools – Providing the right options

The Airport Suite includes a range of handler tools such as BIDS, video coding, MES, Track & Trace and Transfer Bag Monitoring to support the most efficient baggage handling execution.


The Airport Suite includes a range of handler tools that support an efficient execution of the baggage process. These are:

  • BIDS (Baggage Information Display System) monitors for providing handlers with up to date information on the ongoing process.
  • Encoding through OCR and video coding (VCS) allowing baggage to remain in the flow when manual encoding is needed.
  • Manual Encoding Station (MES) for resolving issues that could not be resolved using OCR and VCS.
  • Track and trace for a complete history of events for each bag.
  • Transfer Bag Monitoring System for providing a continuous overview of critical connections, enabling the loadmaster to react and prioritise accordingly.
  • Manual Custom Station for resolving custom clearance issues.
  • The handler tablet for flexibility by providing remote access to VCS encoding, track and trace and the Transfer Bag Monitoring System.

Transfer Monitoring

An efficient Transfer Bag Monitoring system plays a big part in generating greater passenger satisfaction. And by keeping the rate of bags being left behind as low as possible, the cost of handling short shipped bags can also be reduced.

Reducing short shipped bags

To improve the chances of a bag reaching its destination in time, it is essential to have a continuous overview of critical connections in order to react and prioritise accordingly.

The Transfer Bag Monitoring system provides a continuous overview of critical connections. It shows, in order of priority, shortest connection times, number of bags or the ETA vis-à-vis ETD. In this way, baggage handlers are able to efficiently prioritise their efforts on the most critical connections.

Getting more bags on board on time

By seeing detailed views of which transfer bags are missing from which connections and through the use of a visual guide, loadmasters are assisted in improving the rate of bags arriving on time at the point of loading them onto the aircraft. The system provides information on flights and bags in four views:

  • Arrival flights – Highlights associated flights and ranks connections
  • Departure flights – Highlights associated flights and ranks connections
  • Transfer connections – Overview of connections and associated flights
  • Customised flights list