Hopper Cars
Shiftable conveyors in opencast mines as well as numerous belt conveyors within handling systems require a hopper car that is capable of distributing material along the entire conveying length.
FAM hopper cars ensure a controlled centered feeding, which is particularly important because of the straight run of the belt.
Depending on the design, two types are possible:
- Hopper cars with a rail chassis, with and without its own drive
- Hopper cars with a crawler chassis.
For easier lifting and guiding of the belt in the upper strand, usually articulated roller stations are used, which can better absorb the shock from the falling feed material thus protecting the top cover of the belt.
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Competent engineering, fast and reliable on-site service as well as optimal spare parts supply round out our offering and ensure high reliability of the systems.
We have a broad product offering and build complete systems in addition to individual components. Together with you we will find the right solution for your unique requirements.